Dancing through the night [Sold] : Men and women get together in a spiral formation and dance without turning their backs to the persons playing the musical instruments.
The New Crop : After harvesting the new crop, bulls are walking on the new crop making the grains to separate. The separated grains are then poured down allowing the wind to separate the husk from the grains.
A Day in a Warli Village : A typical Warli village with huts, trees, animals and people chatting, cooking food, milking a cow, drawing water from the well, carrying earthen pots filled with water on their heads.
Weekly Bazaar [Sold] : People gathering at the weekly marketplace with shops selling fruits, vegetables, earthen pots, clothes, cooking pots, bangles, sweetmeats and livestock.
Cultivation [Sold] : Villages often are self-sustained with the residents living off the land. Farmers working in the farm – tilling planting and tending to young crop.
A Visit to a city [Sold] : A city seen through the eyes of Warli people with roads, buildings, cars and buses.
Koham? is a primal question phrase in Sansakrit that simply means “Who am I ?”. At a deeper level it describes the concept of soul searching. Realizing that the physical self is made up of the five elements earth, fire, air, space and water makes one feel connected with the likes and in harmony with the universe. The elements themselves are described as Mahabhootas conveying their power to create and destroy a life form if it breaks the barriers in between. This artwork combines Warli art with Zentangle to depict this delicate balance that exists in the universe.